2111 物理学家和天文学家 Physicists and Astronomers


2111 物理学家和天文学家 Physicists and astronomers


Physicists conduct theoretical and applied research to extend knowledge of natural phenomena and to develop new processes and devices in fields such as electronics, communications, power generation and distribution, aerodynamics, optics and lasers, remote sensing, biotechnology, medicine and health. They are employed by electronic, electrical and aerospace manufacturing companies, telecommunications companies, power utilities, university and government research laboratories, hospitals and by a wide range of other processing, manufacturing, and research and consulting firms. Astronomers conduct observational and theoretical research to extend knowledge of the universe. They are employed by government and universities.


2111 物理学家和天文学家头衔范例 Example Titles


声学物理学家 acoustics physicist
空气动力学者 aerodynamicist
天文学家 astronomer
天体物理学家 astrophysicist
大气物理学家 atmospheric physicist
生物物理学家 biophysicist
宇宙学家 cosmologist
实验物理学家 experimental physicist
健康物理学家 health physicist
医学物理学家 medical physicist
计量学家 metrologist
核物理学家 nuclear physicist
光学物理学家 optics physicist
等离子物理学家 plasma physicist
射电天文学家 radio astronomer
研究的科学家,航天 research scientist, aerospace
研究的科学家,电子 research scientist, electronics
物理学研究的科学家, research scientist, physics
遥感技术研究的科学家, research scientist, remote sensing
固态物理学家 solid-state physicist


2111 物理学家和天文学家主要职责 Main duties


物理学家执行部分或全部下列职责:Physicists perform some or all of the following duties:

Design and conduct research in experimental and theoretical physics

Carry out analysis of research data and prepare research reports

Participate as a member of a research or development team in the design and development of experimental, industrial or medical equipment, instrumentation and procedures.

天文学家执行部分或全部下列职责:Astronomers perform some or all of the following duties:

Design and conduct observational surveys, conduct detailed analyses and develop numerical models to extend knowledge of celestial bodies and cosmic radiation

Develop or participate in the development of instrumentation and software for astronomical observation and analysis.

Physicists may specialize in fields such as aeronomy and space, acoustics, atomic and molecular physics, biophysics, condensed matter or solid state physics, electromagnetics, fluids and aerodynamics, health physics, medical physics, metrology, particle physics, optics and laser physics, nuclear physics and plasma physics.Astronomers may specialize in fields such as astrophysics, observational or optical astronomy and radio astronomy.


2111 物理学家和天文学家任职要求 Employment requirements


Physicists usually require a master's or doctoral degree in a field of physics, engineering physics, or in a related discipline.

Astronomers usually require a master's or doctoral degree in astronomy or in a related discipline.


2111 物理学家和天文学家附加信息 Additional information


Mobility between specializations within physics and within astronomy is possible with experience.

Physicists may work closely with and perform some of the duties of engineers.

Mobility is possible to the fields of meteorology, geophysics and other fields of science.

Progression to management positions is possible with experience.


2111 物理学家和天文学家其他分类 Classified elsewhere


建筑和科学管理者 Architecture and science managers 0212(0212)
大气物理学家(气象学家和气候) Atmospheric physicists (in 2114(2114) Meteorologists and climatologists )
电脑工程师(软件工程师和设计师除外) Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers) 2147(2147)
地球物理学家和物理海洋学家(地质学家和海洋) Geophysicists and physical oceanographers (in 2113(2113) Geoscientists and oceanographers )


2111 物理学家和天文学家职称头衔 All titles


声学物理学家 acoustics physicist
空气动力学者 aerodynamicist
空气物理学家 aerophysicist
航空航天研究的科学家 aerospace research scientist
天文学家 astronomer
天体物理学家 astrophysicist
大气物理学家 atmospheric physicist
生物物理学家 biophysicist
生物物理学家,辐射 biophysicist, radiation
化学物理学家 chemical physicist
通信研究科学家 communications research scientist
宇宙射线物理学家 cosmic ray physicist
宇宙学家 cosmologist
低温物理学家 cryogenics physicist
晶体物理学家 crystal physicist
电学和磁学物理学家 electricity and magnetism physicist
电子物理学家 electronics physicist
电子研究科学家 electronics research scientist
基本粒子物理学家 elementary particle physicist
基本粒子理论家 elementary particle theorist
实验物理学家 experimental physicist
流体物理学家 fluid physicist
健康物理学家 health physicist
高温物理学家 high-temperature physicist
激光物理学家 laser physicist
低温物理学家 low-temperature physicist
磁性物理学家 magnetism physicist
数学的生物物理学家 mathematical biophysicist
力学物理学家 mechanics physicist
医疗生物物理学家 medical biophysicist
医疗工程生物物理学家 medical engineering biophysicist
医学物理学家 medical physicist
金属物理学家 metal physicist
计量学家 metrologist
微波物理学家 microwave physicist
分子生物物理学家 molecular biophysicist
纳米技术的物理学家 nanotechnology physicist
核物理学家 nuclear physicist
核反应堆的物理学家 nuclear reactor physicist
光学物理学家 optics physicist
粒子加速器物理学家 particle accelerator physicist
粒子物理学家 particle physicist
光子物理学家 photonics physicist
物理学家 physicist
基本粒子物理学家, physicist, elementary particles
物理学研究的科学家 physics research scientist
等离子物理学家 plasma physicist
辐射的生物物理学家 radiation biophysicist
射电天文学家 radio astronomer
反应堆物理学家 reactor physicist
遥感研究科学家 remote sensing research scientist
研究的科学家,航天 research scientist, aerospace
研究科学家,通信 research scientist, communications
研究的科学家,电子 research scientist, electronics
物理学研究的科学家, research scientist, physics
遥感技术研究的科学家, research scientist, remote sensing
流变学家 rheologist
半导体物理学家 semiconductor physicist
固态物理学家 solid-state physicist
空间物理学家 space physicist
理论核物理学家 theoretical nuclear physicist
理论家,基本粒子 theorist, elementary particles
热物理学家 thermal physicist
X射线物理学家 X-ray physicist