    1227 法院人员和治安法官 Court Officers and Justices of the Peace


    1227 法院人员和治安法官 Court Officers and Justices of the Peace


    Court officers co-ordinate the administrative and procedural functions of federal, provincial and territorial courts, such as scheduling trials and overseeing the maintenance of court records. Justices of the peace administer oaths, issue subpoenas, summonses and warrants and perform other court-related duties such as conducting bail hearings. They are employed by federal and provincial courts.


    1227 法院人员和治安法官头衔范例 Example Titles


    最高法院登记处 Supreme Court registrar
    法院服务统筹 co-ordinator of court services
    宣誓书处长 commissioner of affidavits
    婚姻处长 commissioner of marriages
    法院管理员 court administrator
    法院书记员主管 court clerk supervisor
    法院人员 court officer
    法院司法常务官 court registrar
    副司法常务官 - 法院 deputy registrar – courts
    司法管理员 judicial administrator
    法院管理员 judicial court administrator
    司法人员 judicial officer
    治安法官 justice of the peace
    经理,法院服务 manager, court services
    破产登记员 registrar of bankruptcy
    审讯统筹 - 法院 trial co-ordinator – courts


    1227 法院人员和治安法官主要职责 Main duties


    法院人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Court officers perform some or all of the following duties:

    Co-ordinate administrative services and establish work priorities for court staff

    Schedule court trials and arrange pre-trial conferences and hearings

    Call courts of law to order, read charges and take pleas from defendants

    Record court commencement, trial proceedings and judgements

    Collect and record sheriff fees, transcription fees and other court administrative and services fees

    Oversee the maintenance of judicial court records

    Assist in preparing annual budgets

    May be justices of the peace.

    治安法官执行​​部分或全部下列职责:Justices of the peace perform some or all of the following duties:

    Issue subpoenas, summonses and warrants, including search warrants

    Receive affidavits, declarations and affirmations

    Administer oaths

    Conduct bail hearings

    Release defendants on judges' orders and explain rights and obligations

    Hear evidence at trials on summary conviction offences and may preside over trials of criminal offences at the discretion of the chief judge of the jurisdiction or as provided for in federal, provincial or territorial statutes

    Perform civil marriages.


    1227 法院人员和治安法官任职要求 Employment requirements


    Court officers usually require a university degree in law, business or public administration or a college diploma in public administration or legal studies.

    Completion of a justice registrar, justice of the peace or other court training program is required for court officers and justices of the peace.

    Several years of experience as a court clerk or in another court service occupation are usually required.

    Justices of the peace in the provinces are appointed by the lieutenant governor in council and, in the territories, by federally appointed territorial commissioners.


    1227 法院人员和治安法官附加信息 Additional information


    Progression to senior positions such as senior court administrator is possible through experience.

    The duties and responsibilities of justices of the peace vary significantly depending on the level of their authority. They may be employed part-time on a fee-for-service basis in small communities. Their duties range from receiving affidavits and similar documents, to presiding in courts and hearing and determining prosecutions under provincial/territorial and federal laws.


    1227 法院人员和治安法官其他分类 Classified elsewhere


    行政人员 Administrative officers 1221(1221)
    法院书记员 Court clerks 1416(1416)
    律师助理和相关职业 Paralegal and related occupations 4211(4211)
    警长和法警 Sheriffs and bailiffs 4421(4421)


    1227 法院人员和治安法官职称头衔 All titles


    法院管理员 administrator of the court
    管理员,法院 administrator, court
    助理副司法常务官 - 法院 assistant deputy registrar – courts
    助理司法常务官 - 法院 assistant registrar – courts
    公民法官 citizenship judge
    遗嘱认证业务员 clerk of probate
    法院诉讼员 clerk of proceedings – courts
    法庭书记员 clerk of the court
    王室书记员 - 法院 clerk of the Crown – courts
    干事,最高法院 clerk, Supreme Court
    宣誓书处长 commissioner of affidavits
    婚姻处长 commissioner of marriages
    法院服务统筹 co-ordinator of court services
    县法院司法常务官 county court registrar
    法院管理员 court administrator
    法院书记员主管 court clerk supervisor
    法院副管理员 court deputy administrator
    法院上诉过户登记 court of appeal registrar
    法院人员 court officer
    法院司法常务官 court registrar
    法院服务经理 court services manager
    法院主管 court supervisor
    法庭官员 courtroom officer
    契税记录 deed recorder
    契税过户登记 deed registrar
    法庭副管理员 deputy administrator of the court
    副法院司法常务官 deputy court registrar
    副土地注册处处长 deputy land registrar
    副司法常务官 - 法院 deputy registrar – courts
    区法院司法常务官 district court registrar
    征用人员 expropriation officer
    家庭法院管理员 family court administrator
    家事法庭登记处 family court registrar
    家庭法院主管 family court supervisor
    司法管理员 judicial administrator
    法院管理员 judicial court administrator
    司法人员 judicial officer
    司法人员 - 法院 judicial officer – courts
    司法服务管理员 judicial services administrator
    正义和平 justice of the peace
    土地注册处处长 land registrar
    法律服务人员 - 法院 legal services officer – courts
    经理,法院服务 manager, court services
    人员,法院 officer, court
    法院的首席书记 prothonotary
    王座过户登记 Queen's Bench registrar
    事迹记录员 recorder of deeds
    遗嘱记录员 recorder of wills
    过户登记处 - 法院 registrar – courts
    破产登记员 registrar of bankruptcy
    事迹登记员 registrar of deeds
    遗嘱认证登记员 registrar of probate
    遗嘱登记官 registrar of wills
    注册表人员 - 婚姻 registry officer – marriages
    小额索偿法庭登记员 small claims court registrar
    小额钱债法庭主管 small claims court supervisor
    在最高法院任职 Supreme Court clerk
    最高法院登记处 Supreme Court registrar
    代孕法院司法常务官 surrogate court registrar
    法庭统筹 - 法院 trial co-ordinator – courts