1121 人力资源专业人士 Human Resources Professionals


1121 人力资源专业人士 Human Resources Professionals 


Human resources professionals develop, implement and evaluate human resources and labour relations policies, programs and procedures and advise managers and employers on human resources matters. Human resources professionals are employed throughout the private and public sectors, or they may be self-employed.


1121 人力资源专业人士头衔范例 Example Titles


业务代理,劳动组织 business agent, labour organization
分类人员 - 人力资源 classification officer – human resources
分类专家 classification specialist
补偿研究分析师 compensation research analyst
调解人 conciliator
人力资源顾问 consultant, human resources
员工关系主任 employee relations officer
公平就业人员 employment equity officer
人力资源研究人员 human resources research officer
工作分析师 job analyst
劳资关系主任 labour relations officer
中间人 mediator
工会代表 union representative
工资分析师 wage analyst


1121 人力资源专业人士主要职责 Main duties


人力资源专业人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Human resources professionals perform some or all of the following duties:


Plan, develop, implement and evaluate human resources and labour relations strategies including policies, programs and procedures to address an organization's human resource requirements

Advise managers and employees on the interpretation of human resources policies, compensation and benefit programs and collective agreements

Negotiate collective agreements on behalf of employers or workers, mediate labour disputes and grievances and provide advice on employee and labour relations

Research and prepare occupational classifications, job descriptions, salary scales and competency appraisal measures and systems

Plan and administer staffing, total compensation, training and career development, employee assistance, employment equity and affirmative action programs

Manage programs and maintain human resources information and related records systems

Hire and oversee training of staff

Co-ordinate employee performance appraisal programs

Research employee benefit and health and safety practices and recommend changes or modifications to existing policies.


1121 人力资源专业人士任职要求 Employment requirements


A university degree or college diploma in human resources management or a related field, such as business administration, industrial relations, commerce or psychology

Completion of a professional development program in human resources administration is required.

Some employers may require human resources professionals to hold a Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation.


1121 人力资源专业人士附加信息 Additional information


Progression to management positions is possible with experience.


1121 人力资源专业人士其他分类 Classified elsewhere


人力资源和招聘人员 Human resources and recruitment officers 1223(1223)
人力资源经理 Human resources managers 0112(0112)
人事文员 Personnel clerks 1415(1415)
企业管理咨询的专业职业 Professional occupations in business management consulting 1122(1122)
培训军官和教官(学院和其他职业教师) Training officers and instructors (in 40214021 College and other vocational instructors )


1121 人力资源专业人士职称头衔 All titles


审裁员,劳动 adjudicator, labour
分析师,工作评估 analyst, job evaluation
仲裁员,人力资源 arbitrator, human resources
谈判代理 bargaining agent
福利顾问 benefits consultant
业务代理,劳动组织 business agent, labour organization
业务代理,工会 business agent, labour union
业务代表,劳动组织 business representative, labour organization
残疾管理专业认证员 certified disability management professional
补偿和人力资源信息系统的首席 chief of compensation and human resources information systems
理赔经理 - 薪酬和福利 claims manager – compensation and benefits
分类人员 - 人力资源 classification officer – human resources
分类政策顾问 classification policy adviser
分类专家 classification specialist
集体协议谈判 collective agreement negotiator
薪酬和福利协调员师 compensation and benefits co-ordinator
补偿和分类分析师 compensation and classification analyst
薪酬顾问 compensation consultant
补偿主任 compensation officer
补偿研究分析师 compensation research analyst
补偿研究员分析师 compensation researcher-analyst
调解员 - 员工关系 conciliation officer – employee relations
调解人 conciliator
调解人 - 劳动 conciliator – labour
人力资源顾问, consultant, human resources
顾问,劳资关系 consultant, labour relations
协调员,薪酬和福利 co-ordinator, compensation and benefits
协调员,雇主和雇员的关系 co-ordinator, employer-employee relations
协调员,就业权益 co-ordinator, employment equity
协调员,人力资源 co-ordinator, human resources
协调员,劳资关系 co-ordinator, labour relations
残疾个案经理 - 人力资源 disability case manager – human resources
残疾管理协调员 disability management coordinator
残疾管理从业者 disability management practitioner
残疾管理专业 disability management professional
残疾管理专家 disability management specialist
员工关系主任 employee relations officer
员工服务人员 employee services officer
雇主和雇员的关系,协调员 employer-employee relations co-ordinator
就业顾问 - 人力资源 employment adviser – human resources
公平就业顾问 - 人力资源 employment equity adviser – human resources
就业权益协调员 employment equity co-ordinator
公平就业人员 employment equity officer
就业实践人员 employment practices officer
人力资源顾问 human resources adviser
人力资源分类人员 human resources classification officer
人力资源顾问 human resources consultant
人力资源协调员 human resources co-ordinator
人力资源总监 human resources generalist
人力资源管理顾问 human resources management consultant
人力资源规划顾问 human resources planning consultant
人力资源策略分析师 human resources policy analyst
人力资源政策​​官员 human resources policy officer
人力资源计划主管 human resources program supervisor
人力资源研究人员 human resources research officer
人力资源专家 human resources specialist
人力资源主管 human resources supervisor
劳资关系顾问 industrial relations consultant
工业关系官员 industrial relations officer
内部培训经理 in-house training manager
工作分析师 job analyst
就业和工资分析师 job and wage analyst
作业分类系统分析师 job classification system analyst
工作评估分析师 job evaluation analyst
工作评估主管 job evaluation supervisor
工作评估 job evaluator
劳资审裁官 labour adjudicator
劳动组织代理 labour organization agent
劳动组织业务代理 labour organization business agent
劳动组织业务代表 labour organization business representative
劳动组织联络官 labour organization liaison officer
劳动组织谈判代表 labour organization negotiator
劳动的组织者 labour organizer
劳动关系董事会人员 labour relations board officer
劳资关系顾问 labour relations consultant
劳动关系协调员 labour relations co-ordinator
劳资关系主任 labour relations officer
回国人员的劳动关系 labour relations returning officer
劳动关系专员 labour relations specialist
工会代理业务 labour union business agent
工会联络官 labour union liaison officer
联络官,劳动组织 liaison officer, labour organization
联络官,工会 liaison officer, labour union
中间人 mediator
调解 - 劳动关系 mediator – labour relations
谈判代表,集体协议 negotiator, collective agreements
谈判代表,劳动组织 negotiator, labour organization
职业分析师 - 人力资源 occupational analyst – human resources
人事研究人员 personnel research officer
人事标准官员 personnel standards officer
职位分类员 position classifier
薪酬分析师 salary analyst
高级劳资关系主任 senior industrial relations officer
高级谈判人员 - 劳动争议解决 senior negotiating officer – labour dispute resolution
员工关系管理员 staff relations administrator
职员关系主任 staff relations officer
员工培训和开发人员 staff training and development officer
员工培训及发展主管 staff training and development supervisor
员工培训人员 - 人力资源 staff training officer – human resources
主管,人力资源 supervisor, human resources
主管,员工培训及发展 supervisor, staff training and development
主管,培训计划 supervisor, training programs
培训顾问 training adviser
培训及发展顾问 training and development consultant
培训计划主管 training programs supervisor
工会顾问 union adviser
工会组织者 union organizer
工会代表 union representative
工资分析师 wage analyst