1111 财务审计师和会计师 Financial Auditors and Accountants
Financial auditors examine and analyze the accounting and financial records of individuals and establishments to ensure accuracy and compliance with established accounting standards and procedures. Accountants plan, organize and administer accounting systems for individuals and establishments. Articling students in accounting firms are included in this unit group. Financial auditors and accountants are employed by auditing and accounting firms throughout the private and public sectors, or they may be self-employed.
1111 财务审计师和会计师头衔范例 Example Titles
会计 accountant
注册会计师(CGA) certified general accountant (CGA)
注册管理会计师(CMA) certified management accountant (CMA)
特许会计师(CA) chartered accountant (CA)
总会计师 chief accountant
财务审计 financial auditor
所得税专家 income tax expert
工业会计师 industrial accountant
内部审计师 internal auditor
1111 财务审计师和会计师主要职责 Main duties
财务审计师执行部分或全部下列职责:Financial auditors perform some or all of the following duties:
Examine and analyze journal and ledger entries, bank statements, inventories, expenditures, tax returns and other accounting and financial records, documents and systems of individuals, departments within organizations, businesses or other establishments to ensure financial recording accuracy and compliance with established accounting standards, procedures and internal controls
Prepare detailed reports on audit findings and make recommendations to improve individual or establishment's accounting and management practices
Conduct field audits of businesses to ensure compliance with provisions of the Income Tax Act, Canadian Business Corporations Act or other statutory requirements
May supervise other auditors or professionals in charge of accounting within client's establishment.
会计师执行部分或全部下列职责:Accountants perform some or all of the following duties:
Plan, set up and administer accounting systems and prepare financial information for individuals, departments within organizations, businesses and other establishments
Examine accounting records and prepare financial statements and reports
Develop and maintain cost finding, reporting and internal control procedures
Examine financial accounts and records and prepare income tax returns from accounting records
Analyze financial statements and reports and provide financial, business and tax advice
May act as a trustee in bankruptcy proceedings
May supervise and train articling students, other accountants or administrative technicians.
1111 财务审计师和会计师任职要求 Employment requirements
Chartered accountants require a university degree
Completion of a professional training program approved by a provincial institute of chartered accountants and, depending on the province, either two years or 30 months of on-the-job training
Membership in a provincial Institute of Chartered Accountants upon successful completion of the Uniform Evaluation (UFE).
Certified general accountants and certified management accountants require a university degree
Completion of a training program approved by the Society of Certified General Accountants or Society of Management Accountants and several years of on-the-job training
Certification by the Certified General Accountants Association or the Society of Management Accountants.
Auditors require education, training and recognition as indicated for chartered accountants, certified general accountants or certified management accountants
Some experience as an accountant.
Auditors may require recognition by the Institute of Internal Auditors.
To act as a trustee in bankruptcy proceedings, auditors and accountants must hold a licence as a trustee in bankruptcy.
Licensing by the provincial or territorial governing body is usually required for accountants and auditors practising public accounting.
1111 财务审计师和会计师附加信息 Additional information
There is limited mobility among the three professional accounting designations of chartered accountant (CA), certified general accountant (CGA) and certified management accountant (CMA).
Progression to auditing or accounting management positions is possible with experience
1111 财务审计师和会计师其他分类 Classified elsewhere
会计技师和簿记员 Accounting technicians and bookkeepers 1311(1311)
财务经理 Financial managers 0111(0111)
程序或其他非金融审计师(政策和程序的研究人员,顾问和管理人员) Program or other non-financial auditors (in 416(416) Policy and program researchers, consultants and officers )
1111 财务审计师和会计师职称头衔 All titles
会计 accountant
会计总监 accountant-controller
会计主管 accountants supervisor
会计主计长 accounting controller
分析师会计师 analyst-accountant
助理主计长 assistant controller
审计部门负责人 - 税项 audit unit head – taxation
审计师- 金融 auditor – finance
审计师CA(特许会计师) auditor-CA (chartered accountant)
审计师特许会计师(CA) auditor-chartered accountant (CA)
审计师主管 auditors supervisor
银行分行会计师 bank branch accountant
银行准备金的审计师 bank reserves auditor
破产受托人 bankruptcy trustee
分公司会计师,银行 branch accountant, bank
预算会计 budget accountant
CA(特许会计师) CA (chartered accountant)
CA(特许会计师)学生 CA (chartered accountant) student
注册会计师(CGA) certified general accountant (CGA)
注册管理会计师(CMA) certified management accountant (CMA)
CGA(注册会计师) CGA (certified general accountant)
特许会计师(CA) chartered accountant (CA)
特许会计师(CA)学生 chartered accountant (CA) student
总会计师 chief accountant
索赔会计师 claims accountant
CMA(注册管理会计师) CMA (certified management accountant)
计算机审计专家 computer audit specialist
成本会计 cost accountant
成本会计主管 cost accounting supervisor
部门会计 departmental accountant
师主计长 - 会计 division controller – accounting
现场审计师- 财政 field auditor – finances
财务会计 financial accountant
财务审计 financial auditor
财务管理人员 financial control officer
总会计师 general accountant
所得税调整 income tax adjuster
所得税顾问 income tax adviser
所得税顾问 income tax consultant
所得税专家 income tax expert
所得税研究者 income tax investigator
所得税专家 income tax specialist
工业会计师 industrial accountant
工业审计师 industrial auditor
中级会计师 intermediate accountant
内部审计项目经理 internal audit project manager
内部审计主管 - 财务 internal audit supervisor – finances
内部审计师 internal auditor
内部审计师 - 财政 internal auditor – finances
内部审计主管 - 财务 internal auditors supervisor – finances
机加工会计师 machine processing accountant
管理会计 management accountant
管理会计主管 management accounting chief
制造会计师 manufacturing accountant
官员,财务控制 officer, financial control
工厂会计 plant accountant
工厂主计长 plant controller
生产会计师 production accountant
项目会计师 project accountant
物业会计师 property accountant
会计师 public accountant
首席会计师 public accountants chief
公共会计主管 public accountants supervisor
再保险分析师 reinsurance analyst
裁决官,税务 rulings officer, taxation
销售审计师- 财政 sales auditor – finances
高级会计分析师 senior accounting analyst
高级成本会计 senior cost accountant
高级实习生审计师 senior intern auditor
主管,会计师 supervisor, accountants
主管,审计师 supervisor, auditors
主管,成本会计; supervisor, cost accounting
主管,内部审计 - 财政 supervisor, internal audit – finances
主管,内部审计人员 - 财务 supervisor, internal auditors – finances
主管,会计师 supervisor, public accountants
税务会计师 tax accountant
税务顾问 tax adviser
税务分析师 tax analyst
税务审计师 tax auditor
税务顾问 tax consultant
税务评估 tax evaluator
税务考官 tax examiner
税务专家 tax expert
税务专家 tax specialist
税务裁决主任 taxation rulings officer