

4 社会科学,教育,政府服务及宗教 Occupations in Social Science, Education, Government Service and Religion

大类 41 Major Group 41

社会科学,教育,政府服务和宗教专家职业 Professional Occupations in Social Science, Education, Government Services and Religion

411 法官,律师和魁北克公证人 Judges, Lawyers and Quebec Notaries

4111 法官 Judges

4112 律师和魁北克公证人 Lawyers and Quebec Notaries

412 大学教授和助理 University Professors and Assistants

4121 大学教授 University Professors

4122 中学教师和研究助理 Post-Secondary Teaching and Research Assistants

413 学院及其他职业讲师 College and Other Vocational Instructors

4131 学院及其他职业学校讲师 College and Other Vocational Instructors

414 中小学教师和教育辅导员 Secondary and Elementary School Teachers and Educational Counsellors

4141 中学教师 Secondary School Teachers

4142 小学和幼儿园教师 Elementary School and Kindergarten Teachers

4143 教育辅导员 Educational Counsellors

415 心理学家,社会工作者,辅导员,神职人员和缓刑监督官 Psychologists, Social Workers, Counsellors, Clergy and Probation Officers

4151 心理学家 Psychologists

4152 社会工作者 Social Workers

4153 家庭,婚姻及其他相关辅导员 Family, Marriage and Other Related Counsellors

4154 牧师 Ministers of Religion

4155 缓刑和假释专员相关职业 Probation and Parole Officers and Related Occupations

416 政策和计划专员,研究员和顾问 Policy and Program Officers, Researchers and Consultants

4161 自然和应用科学政策研究员,顾问和计划专员 Natural and Applied Science Policy Researchers, Consultants and Program Officers

4162 经济学家和经济政策研究分析员 Economists and Economic Policy Researchers and Analysts

4163 业务开发专员和市场研究员和顾问 Business Development Officers and Marketing Researchers and Consultants

4164 社会政策研究员,顾问和 计划专员 Social Policy Researchers, Consultants and Program Officers

4165 健康政策研究员,顾问和计划专员 Health Policy Researchers, Consultants and Program Officers

4166 教育政策研究员,顾问和计划专员 Education Policy Researchers, Consultants and Program Officers

4167 娱乐,体育和全面健身计划监督员和顾问 Recreation, Sports and Fitness Program Supervisors and Consultants

4168 政府计划专员 Program Officers Unique to Government

4169 其他社会科学专家职位 n.e.c. Other Professional Occupations in Social Science, n.e.c.

大类 42 Major Group 42

法律,社会服务,教育及宗帮办职位 Paraprofessional Occupations in Law, Social Services, Education and Religion

421 律师帮办,社会服务工作者和职位在教育及宗教,n.e.c. Paralegals, Social Services Workers and Occupations in Education and Religion, n.e.c.

4211 律师帮办及相关职位 Paralegal and Related Occupations

4212 社团和社会服务工作者 Community and Social Service Workers

4213 就业辅导员 Employment Counsellors

4214 幼儿教育和助理 Early Childhood Educators and Assistants

4215 残疾人讲师和教师 Instructors and Teachers of Persons with Disabilities

4216 其他讲师 Other Instructors

4217 其他宗教职业 Other Religious Occupations