

    9 加工,制造和公用事业职业 Occupations Unique to Processing, Manufacturing and Utilities

    Major Group 92

    加工,制造和公用事业主管和熟练工人 Processing, Manufacturing and Utilities Supervisors and Skilled Operators

    921 主管,加工职业 Supervisors, Processing Occupations

    9211 主管,矿产和金属加工 Supervisors, Mineral and Metal Processing

    9212 主管,石油,天然气和化学加工和公用事业 Supervisors, Petroleum, Gas and Chemical Processing and Utilities

    9213 主管,食品,饮料和烟草 Supervisors, Food, Beverage and Tobacco Processing

    9214 主管,塑料和橡胶产品制造 Supervisors, Plastic and Rubber Products Manufacturing

    9215 主管,森林产品加工 Supervisors, Forest Products Processing

    9216 主管,纺织加工 Supervisors, Textile Processing

    922 主管,组装这制造 Supervisors, Assembly and Fabrication

    9221 主管,汽车装配 Supervisors, Motor Vehicle Assembling

    9222 主管,电子制造 Supervisors, Electronics Manufacturing

    9223 主管,电器产品制造 Supervisors, Electrical Products Manufacturing

    9224 主管,家具和固定装置制造 Supervisors, Furniture and Fixtures Manufacturing

    9225 主管,织物,毛皮和皮革制品制造 Supervisors, Fabric, Fur and Leather Products Manufacturing

    9226 主管,其他机械和金属制品制造 Supervisors, Other Mechanical and Metal Products Manufacturing

    9227 主管,其他产品的制造组装 Supervisors, Other Products Manufacturing and Assembly

    923 制造及加工行业中央控制和处理操作员 Central Control and Process Operators in Manufacturing and Processing

    9231 中央控制及工艺操作员,矿产和金属加工 Central Control and Process Operators, Mineral and Metal Processing

    9232 石油,天然气和化工工艺操作员 Petroleum, Gas and Chemical Process Operators

    9233 制浆控制操作员 Pulping Control Operators

    9234 早知和涂料控制操作员 Papermaking and Coating Control Operators

    Major Group 94/95

    加工和制造机械操作员和装配工 Processing and Manufacturing Machine Operators and Assemblers

    941 金属和矿物产品加工行业机械操作员和相关工人 Machine Operators and Related Workers in Metal and Mineral Products Processing

    9411 机械设备操作员,矿物和金属加工 Machine Operators, Mineral and Metal Processing

    9412 铸造工 Foundry Workers

    9413 玻璃成形和整理机械设备操作员和玻璃刀具 Glass Forming and Finishing Machine Operators and Glass Cutters

    9414 混凝土,粘土和石材形成运营商 Concrete, Clay and Stone Forming Operators

    9415 检查员和测试员,矿物和金属加工 Inspectors and Testers, Mineral and Metal Processing

    942 机器操作人员及化工,塑料和橡胶加工相关工人 Machine Operators and Related Workers in Chemical, Plastic and Rubber Processing

    9421 化工厂机械设备操作人员 Chemical Plant Machine Operators

    9422 塑料加工设备 Plastics Processing Machine Operators

    9423 橡胶加工机械操作员和相关工人 Rubber Processing Machine Operators and Related Workers

    9424 水和废水长操作员 Water and Waste Plant Operators

    943 机器操作人员及纸浆和纸张生产和木材加工相关工人 Machine Operators and Related Workers in Pulp and Paper Production and Wood Processing

    9431 据木工Sawmill Machine Operators

    9432 纸浆厂机械设备操作员 Pulp Mill Machine Operators

    9433 造纸和研磨机设备操作员 Papermaking and Finishing Machine Operators

    9434 其他木材加工机械设备操作员 Other Wood Processing Machine Operators

    9435 文件转换机械设备操作员 Paper Converting Machine Operators

    9436 木材管理及其他木材加工检查及监管 Lumber Graders and Other Wood Processing Inspectors and Graders

    944 机器操作人员及纺织加工相关工人 Machine Operators and Related Workers in Textile Processing

    9441 纺织纤维和纱线制备机械操作员 Textile Fibre and Yarn Preparation Machine Operators

    9442 织工,编织者和其他织物制作职业 Weavers, Knitters and Other Fabric-Making Occupations

    9443 纺织染整机械设备操作员 Textile Dyeing and Finishing Machine Operators

    9444 纺织检查员,管理和样品检查员 Textile Inspectors, Graders and Samplers

    945 机器操作人员及织物,毛皮及皮革产品制造业相关工人 Machine Operators and Related Workers in Fabric, Fur and Leather Products Manufacturing

    9451 缝纫机设备操作员 Sewing Machine Operators

    9452 织物,毛皮及皮革剪切员 Fabric, Fur and Leather Cutters

    9453 消隐及生毛皮处理员 Hide and Pelt Processing Workers

    9454 检查员,测试员,织物,毛皮及皮革制品制造 Inspectors and Testers, Fabric, Fur and Leather Products Manufacturing

    946 机器操作人员及食品,饮料和烟草加工相关工人 Machine Operators and Related Workers in Food, Beverage and Tobacco Processing

    9461 过程控制和机械设备操作员,视频和饮料加工 Process Control and Machine Operators, Food and Beverage Processing

    9462 工业屠夫和 肉切割,家禽调制和相关工人 Industrial Butchers and Meat Cutters, Poultry Preparers and Related Workers

    9463 鱼场工人 Fish Plant Workers

    9464 烟草处理机械操作员 Tobacco Processing Machine Operators

    9465 测试员和管理员,餐饮处理 Testers and Graders, Food and Beverage Processing

    947 印刷机械设备操作人员及有关的职业 Printing Machine Operators and Related Occupations

    9471 印刷机操作员 Printing Machine Operators

    9472 照相,制版及其他印前职业 Camera, Platemaking and Other Prepress Occupations

    9473 装订和整理机械设备操作员 Binding and Finishing Machine Operators

    9474 摄影和电影处理员 Photographic and Film Processors

    948 机械,电气和电子装配 Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics Assemblers

    9481 飞机装配工及飞机装配检查员 Aircraft Assemblers and Aircraft Assembly Inspectors

    9482 汽车装配工,检查员和测试员 Motor Vehicle Assemblers, Inspectors and Testers

    9483 电子装配工,制造员,检查员和测试员 Electronics Assemblers, Fabricators, Inspectors and Testers

    9484 装配工和检查员,电器设备,仪器和设备生产 Assemblers and Inspectors, Electrical Appliance, Apparatus and Equipment Manufacturing

    9485 装配工,制造员和检查员,Assemblers, Fabricators and Inspectors, Industrial Electrical Motors and Transformers

    9486 机械装配工和督查 Mechanical Assemblers and Inspectors

    9487 机械设备操作员,检查员,电器制造 Machine Operators and Inspectors, Electrical Apparatus Manufacturing

    949 装配和其他相关职业 Other Assembly and Related Occupations

    9491 船舶装配工及检查员 Boat Assemblers and Inspectors

    9492 家具和固定装置装配工及检查员 Furniture and Fixture Assemblers and Inspectors

    9493 其他木制品装配工及检查员 Other Wood Products Assemblers and Inspectors

    9494 家具修整工及翻修工 Furniture Finishers and Refinishers

    9495 塑料制品装配工,修整工及检查员 Plastic Products Assemblers, Finishers and Inspectors

    9496 油漆工及镀膜工-工业 Painters and Coaters - Industrial

    9497 电镀,金属喷镀及相关职业 Plating, Metal Spraying and Related Operators

    9498 其他装配工及检查员 Other Assemblers and Inspectors

    951 机械加工,金属加工,木材加工及相关行业机械设备操作人员 Machining, Metalworking, Woodworking and Related Machine Operators

    9511 机床操作工 Machining Tool Operators

    9512 锻压机械设备操作员 Forging Machine Operators

    9513 木工机床操作员 Woodworking Machine Operators

    9514 金属加工机械设备操作员 Metalworking Machine Operators

    9516 其他金属制品机械设备操作员 Other Metal Products Machine Operators

    9517 其他产品机械设备操作员 Other Products Machine Operators

    Major Group 96

    加工,生产和公用事业劳动力 Labourers in Processing, Manufacturing and Utilities

    961 加工,制造和公用事业工人 Labourers in Processing, Manufacturing and Utilities

    9611 矿产和金属加工劳工 Labourers in Mineral and Metal Processing

    9612 金属加工劳工 Labourers in Metal Fabrication

    9613 化工产品加工和公用事业劳工 Labourers in Chemical Products Processing and Utilities

    9614 木材,纸浆和纸张加工劳工 Labourers in Wood, Pulp and Paper Processing

    9615 橡胶和塑料制品制造业劳工 Labourers in Rubber and Plastic Products Manufacturing

    9616 纺织加工劳工 Labourers in Textile Processing

    9617 食品,饮料和烟草加工劳工 Labourers in Food, Beverage and Tobacco Processing

    9618 鱼类加工劳工 Labourers in Fish Processing

    9619 其他在加工,制造和公用事业工人 Other Labourers in Processing, Manufacturing and Utilities