持有萨省雇主提供的,本专业的、长期、全职工作offer,职位为NOC 0,A,B,且职业属于指定行业;或者持有与申请人所学专业相关并且要求大专学历的工作offer(请注意:食品和饮料服务/人必须申请酒店行业项目的子类别)
持有萨省雇主提供的,本专业的长期全职工作offer,职业类别为NOC 0.A.B,且职业属于指定行业;或者持有与申请人所学专业相关并且要求大专学历的工作offer(请注意:食品和饮料服务/人必须申请酒店行业项目的子类别)
萨省省提名企业家类别(SINP Entrepreneur Category)主要是为了吸引“天才企业家”(Entrepreneurial Talent)。申请人需要在萨省收购企业,或者合伙经营企业,积极参与管理企业,并且定居在萨省。
萨省农场主移民: SINP农场主类别的申请人申请成功后,可以在萨省购买或经营农场。
2017年4月1日起,萨省省提名技术移民无雇主offer类别统一收费 300 加币,有雇主 offer 的暂时还是可以免费申请。
萨省SINP 2017 配额申请最新进展
2017 年 SINP 技术移民 International Skilled Workers 类别发布配额
Express Entry 配额: 1,700
Occupations In-Demand(非EE紧缺职业类别)配额:3,000
SINP EE 和非 EE 紧缺职业类别都是不定期开放,1月4日EE和非EE都开放了500配额,很快就满了,2017年5月17日凌晨开放了600的EE配额,同时也更新了紧缺职业清单(非EE和EE下无雇主OFFER类别都会受到影响)。相信后面还会不断不定期开放,申请人需要提前准备好才有机会抢上配额。2017年5月24日又开放了100个EE配额,但在2017年5月25日关闭了SINP的EE项目。
SINP 类别 | 申请数量 | 最近接受数量 |
有雇主offer | 5,000 | 4598 |
EE | 1,700 | 0 |
紧缺职业 | 3,000 | 600 |
时间 | SINP EE 类别开放数 | EE 总配额 |
2017-01-04 | 500 | 1700 |
2017-02-15 | 500 | 1700 |
2017-05-17(早) | 600 | 1700 |
2017-05-17(晚) | 462 | 1700 |
2017-05-24 | 100 | 1700 |
时间 | SINP 非 EE 类别开放数 | 非EE 总配额 |
2017-01-04 | 500 | 3000 |
2017-06-12 | 600 | 3000 |
萨斯喀彻温省省提名提名项目(Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program),简称 SINP 萨省提名移民。2015年和2016年推荐的不需要当地雇主offer甚至不需要雅思4个6就可以申请的加拿大项目主要是 SINP 省提名技术移民无雇主 offer 类别项目。这两类的特点是不需要萨省本地雇主offer,只需要职业属于 SINP 紧缺列表,分数达到 60 分就有机会申请,EE类别需要雅思达到4个6并满足联邦67分的基本门槛,非EE类别只需要达到 SINP 自己评分标准的 60 分不需要雅思4个6也可以申请。
因为申请配额有限,申请人也比较多,SINP 采用不定期开放的抢配额策略,2015年,SINP EE 下无雇主和非 EE 的 Occupations In-Demand 已经分6次总共开放了 4500 个配额,EE 3000,非 EE 1500。
截止到 2016-11-23 日,SINP EE 类别 2016 年总共开放4次,总配额是1700,实际开放的申请数是2000个。
时间 | SINP EE 类别开放数 | EE 总配额 |
2016-01-04 | 500 | 500 |
2016-06-14 | 500 | 1000 |
2016-07-20 | 700 | 1700 |
2016-10-12 | 300 | 1700 |
截止到 2016-11-23 日,SINP 非 EE 类别 2016 年总共开放6次,总配额是1800(总共可以接收的有效申请数),实际开放的申请数是4200个(中间有大量无效申请)。
时间 | SINP 非EE 类别开放数 | 非 EE 总配额 |
2016-01-04 | 500 | 500 |
2016-06-20 | 600 | 1100 |
2016-08-30 | 700 | 1800 |
2016-10-04 | 500 | 1800 |
2016-10-25 | 700 | 1800 |
2016-11-22 | 1200 | 1800 |
SINP 重点关注的职业: 计算机经理,信息系统分析师和业务顾问,物业管理员,采购,数学家(统计学家,精算师),生物技术人员,园艺,土木工程技师,机械工程技师,绘图员等。有些职业可以同时申请 nsnp 或澳洲。
SINP 省提名阶段没有申请费,International Skilled Worker Category 省提名阶段周期快的一个月之内,慢的半年多。获得省提名后非EE类别申请周期大概是1年到1年半,EE类别周期半年到10个月的样子。
SINP 技术移民紧缺职业列表
SINP 针对境外技术移民的移民类别有三类,分别是雇主offer类别,无雇主offer类别的紧缺职业类及无雇主offer类别的EE类。评估是否符合 SINP 无雇主offer类别国际工人技术移民申请条件的前提是职业是否符合 SINP 技术移民紧缺职业列表。如果职业不适合下列职业列表就需要有萨省雇主 offer 才能申请 International Skilled Worker: Employment Offer 类别。
NOC职业代码 | 职业名称 | 与专业相关的资格和证书要求 |
0211 (已删除) | Engineering managers工程经理 | 需要萨斯喀彻温省专业工程师协会和地质科学家协会(APEGS)的文件来证明您是在职培训人员; 或来自APEGS的一封表示您已被分配确认考试的信。Provide documentation from the Association ofProfessional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) showing your Engineer-in-Training membership; or a letter from APEGS indicating that you have been assigned Confirmatory Exams. |
0423 | 社会服务和社区服务经理 | |
0821 (已删除) | Managers in agriculture农业经理 | None |
0822 (已删除) | Managers in horticulture园艺经理 | 快速入境申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的资格证书,这需要进行贸易资格评估(第1步)并在萨斯喀彻温省通过个人考试(第2步)。 紧缺职业申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的通过信,说明你已完成贸易资格评估(第1步)并有资格在萨斯喀彻温省参加考试。 For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. |
0911 (已删除) | Manufacturing managers制造经理 | None |
0912 (已删除) | Utilities managers公用事业经理 | None |
1226 | 会议活动和事件计划者 | None |
1311 | Accounting technicians and bookkeepers 会计技师 | None |
2123 (已删除) | Agricultural representatives, consultants and specialists农业代表,顾问和专家 | None |
2131 (已删除) | Civil engineers土木工程师 | 需要萨斯喀彻温省专业工程师协会和地质科学家协会(APEGS)的文件来证明您是在职培训人员; 或来自APEGS的一封表示您已被分配确认考试的信。Provide documentation from the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) showing your Engineer-in-Training membership; or a letter from APEGS indicating that you have been assigned Confirmatory Exams. |
2147 (已删除) | Computer engineers 计算机工程师 | 需要萨斯喀彻温省专业工程师协会和地质科学家协会(APEGS)的文件来证明您是在职培训人员; 或来自APEGS的一封表示您已被分配确认考试的信。Provide documentation from the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan (APEGS) showing your Engineer-in-Training membership; or a letter from APEGS indicating that you have been assigned Confirmatory Exams. |
Land surveyors土地测量师 | 提供来自加拿大专业测量师考试委员会(CBEPS)证明您的“考生身份”并有资格参加CBEPS候选人考试。 Provide documentation from the Canadian Board of Examiners for Professional Surveyors (CBEPS) showing your “Candidate status”and eligibility to write the CBEPS candidate examinations. | |
2173 (已删除) | Software engineers and designers软件工程师和设计师 | 需要提供加拿大信息技术专业人士协会(CIPS)的文件,证明您具有以下资格之一: 联合信息技术专业人员(AITP)的候选人身份; 信息系统专业人员(I.S.P)的认证会员; 加拿大信息技术认证专业人员(ITCP)认证会员。 欲了解更多信息,请访问加拿大信息技术专业协会(CIPS)省级监管机构。 Provide documentation from the Canadian Association of Information Technology Professionals (CIPS) showing your:
For more information, visit the provincial regulator the Canadian Association of Information Technology Professionals (CIPS). |
2174 | 计算机程序员和互动媒体开发员 | |
2175 (已删除) | Web designers and developer网页设计师和开发人员 | 需要提供加拿大信息技术专业人士协会(CIPS)的文件,证明您具有以下资格之一: 联合信息技术专业人员(AITP)的候选人身份; 信息系统专业人员(I.S.P)的认证会员; 加拿大信息技术认证专业人员(ITCP)认证会员。 欲了解更多信息,请访问加拿大信息技术专业协会(CIPS)省级监管机构。 Provide documentation from the Canadian Association of Information Technology Professionals (CIPS) showing your:
For more information, visit the provincial regulator the Canadian Association of Information Technology Professionals (CIPS). |
2225 (已删除) | Landscape and horticulture technicians and specialists景观和园艺技术人员和专家 | 快速入境申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的资格证书,这需要进行贸易资格评估(第1步)并在萨斯喀彻温省通过个人考试(第2步)。 紧缺职业申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的通过信,说明你已完成贸易资格评估(第1步)并有资格在萨斯喀彻温省参加考试。 For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. |
2242 (已删除) | Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment)电子维修技师(家用和商用设备等) | None |
2251 | 建筑技师和技术人员 | None |
2255 | 大地测量和气象学技师 | None |
3111 (已删除) | Psychiatrists精神病医生 | 需要提供萨斯喀彻温省医师和外科医学院(CPSS)的有效执照(常规或临时)的副本; 或 提供萨斯多克斯信函的副本,包括您参考资格或获得加拿大精神病学皇家外科医师学会认证的确认信(考试资格必须具有两年或更长时间)以及从CPSS获得在萨斯喀彻温省工作许可证的后续步骤。 Provide a copy of your valid licensure (regular, provisional, or ministerial) from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (CPSS); or Provide a copy of the correspondence from Saskdocs including acknowledgement of your eligibility letter for examination or certification with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in Psychiatry (eligibility for examinations must have two or more years of eligibility remaining) and next steps to obtain licensure to work in Saskatchewan from the CPSS. |
Medical laboratory technologists医学实验室技术员 | 需要提供萨斯喀彻温省医学实验室技术人员协会的有效许可证(临时或暂任)的副本。 Provide a copy of your valid licensure (temporary or provisional) from the Saskatchewan Society of Medical Laboratory Technologists. | |
Medical Radiation Technologists医疗放射技师 | 需要提供萨斯喀彻温省医疗辐射技师协会(SAMRT)的有效许可证的(限制或全部)副本; 或 提供 SAMRT 注册者的电子邮件副本, 证明您有资格申请加拿大医疗辐射技师协会 (CAMRT) 评估您的资历;并提供 CAMRT告知您评估结果和获得国家认证考试的机会的信函副本。 Provide a copy of your valid licensure (restricted or full) from the Saskatchewan Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (SAMRT); or Provide a copy of the email from the SAMRT Registrar outlining your eligibility to apply to the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) to have your credentials assessed; AND a copy of the letter from the CAMRT notifying you of your assessment result and access to the national certification exam. | |
Medical sonographers医学超声波检验师 | 提供超声波加拿大颁发的显示您有资格挑战他们的资格考试的文件。或 美国诊断医学超声检查登记处(ARDMS)提供您的考试确认函(ECL)或超声波检验师资格证明。 注意:ARDMS考试可以通过Pearson VUE在全球各个测试中心进行。 Provide documentation from Sonography Canada showing your eligibility to challenge their qualifying examinations. Or Provide your Examination Confirmation Letter (ECL) or proof of Sonography Certification from theAmerican Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography (ARDMS). Note: ARDMS examinations can be written in various testing centres worldwide through Pearson VUE. | |
Paramedical医疗辅助职业 | 需要提供萨斯喀彻温省医护学院(SCoP)的有效执照副本; 或 提供SCoP的通信副本,说明您有资格申请参加国家认证考试。 Provide a copy of your valid licensure from the Saskatchewan College of Paramedics (SCoP); or Provide a copy of the correspondence from SCoP outlining your eligibility to apply to write the national certification exam related to your practice level. | |
Psychologists心理学家 | 需要提供萨斯喀彻温心理学家学院的文件来证明您有资格获得临时执照。 Provide documentation from the Saskatchewan College of Psychologists showing your eligibility for provisional licensure. | |
4162 (已删除) | Economists and economic policy researchers and analysts经济学家和经济政策研究分析员 | None |
Social and community service workers社会和社区服务工作者 | 需要提供加拿大社会工作者协会的相同资格评估函,证明您的外国证书相当于加拿大本科或社会工作硕士学位。 Provide your assessment of equivalency letter from the Canadian Association of Social Workers showing your foreign credential is equivalent to a Canadian Bachelor or Masters of Social Work. | |
Early childhood educators and assistants幼儿教育工作者和助理 | 需要提供教育部的文件证明您具有幼儿教育者认证资格。 Provide documentation from the Ministry of Education showing your eligibility for Early Childhood Educator Certification. | |
4215 | 残疾人士教练 | None |
5254 | 康乐、体育及健身计划导师 | None |
Meat cutters肉贩,切肉工和鱼贩 - 零售及批发 | 快速入境申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的资格证书,这需要进行贸易资格评估(第1步)并在萨斯喀彻温省通过个人考试(第2步)。 紧缺职业申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的通过信,说明你已完成贸易资格评估(第1步)并有资格在萨斯喀彻温省参加考试。 For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. | |
6332 | 面包师 | None |
6342 | 裁缝、皮货或女帽 | None |
7201 (已删除) | Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations承包商和主管,机械加工,金属成型,塑造和装配行业及相关行业 | 快速入境申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的资格证书,这需要进行贸易资格评估(第1步)并在萨斯喀彻温省通过个人考试(第2步)。 紧缺职业申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的通过信,说明你已完成贸易资格评估(第1步)并有资格在萨斯喀彻温省参加考试。 For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. |
7204 (已删除) | Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades木工行业的承包商和监督员 | 快速入境申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的资格证书,这需要进行贸易资格评估(第1步)并在萨斯喀彻温省通过个人考试(第2步)。 紧缺职业申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的通过信,说明你已完成贸易资格评估(第1步)并有资格在萨斯喀彻温省参加考试。 For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. |
7237 (已删除) | Welders焊工 | 快速入境申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的资格证书,这需要进行贸易资格评估(第1步)并在萨斯喀彻温省通过个人考试(第2步)。 紧缺职业申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的通过信,说明你已完成贸易资格评估(第1步)并有资格在萨斯喀彻温省参加考试。 For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. |
7292 | 玻璃安装工 | |
7311 (已删除) | Industrial mechanics建筑维修工和工业机械师 | 快速入境申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的资格证书,这需要进行贸易资格评估(第1步)并在萨斯喀彻温省通过个人考试(第2步)。 紧缺职业申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的通过信,说明你已完成贸易资格评估(第1步)并有资格在萨斯喀彻温省参加考试。 For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. |
Heavy-duty equipment mechanics重型设备技工 | 快速入境申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的资格证书,这需要进行贸易资格评估(第1步)并在萨斯喀彻温省通过个人考试(第2步)。 紧缺职业申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的通过信,说明你已完成贸易资格评估(第1步)并有资格在萨斯喀彻温省参加考试。 For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. | |
Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics汽车维修技师,卡车和公共汽车力学和机械维修工 | 快速入境申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的资格证书,这需要进行贸易资格评估(第1步)并在萨斯喀彻温省通过个人考试(第2步)。 紧缺职业申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的通过信,说明你已完成贸易资格评估(第1步)并有资格在萨斯喀彻温省参加考试。 For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. | |
Motor vehicle body repairers汽车车身维修工 | 快速入境申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的资格证书,这需要进行贸易资格评估(第1步)并在萨斯喀彻温省通过个人考试(第2步)。 紧缺职业申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的通过信,说明你已完成贸易资格评估(第1步)并有资格在萨斯喀彻温省参加考试。 For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. | |
7332 | 家电服务商和维修技师 | None |
7384 (已删除) | Recreation Vehicle Service 露营车服务人员 | 快速入境申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的资格证书,这需要进行贸易资格评估(第1步)并在萨斯喀彻温省通过个人考试(第2步)。 紧缺职业申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的通过信,说明你已完成贸易资格评估(第1步)并有资格在萨斯喀彻温省参加考试。 For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. |
8252 (已删除) | Agricultural service contractors, farm supervisors and specialized livestock workers农业服务承包商,农场主管和专门的牲畜工人 | 快速入境申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的资格证书,这需要进行贸易资格评估(第1步)并在萨斯喀彻温省通过个人考试(第2步)。 紧缺职业申请人需要提供萨斯喀彻温省学徒和贸易认证委员会(SATCC)的通过信,说明你已完成贸易资格评估(第1步)并有资格在萨斯喀彻温省参加考试。 For Express Entry applications, provide a Certificate of Qualification from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), which requires a trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and requires individuals to write exams in Saskatchewan (step 2). For Occupations in Demand applications, provide a letter of approval from the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC), stating that you have completed the trade qualifier assessment (step 1) and you are eligible to write exams in Saskatchewan. |