ANZSCO 313214 电信技术人员或技师 Telecommunications Technical Officer or Technologist
313212 电信领域工程师 Telecommunications Field Engineer
313213 电信网络规划师 Telecommunications Network Planner
ANZSCO 313214 电信技术人员或技师 Telecommunications Technical Officer or Technologist
313214 电信技术人员或技师职业描述 Job description
电信技术人员或技师负责针对通讯工程执行专门设计和支持功能,包括通讯网络的优化与监控,故障诊断与维修以及设备的筛选与安装。Carries out specialised design and support functions in telecommunications engineering including optimisation and performance monitoring of telecommunications networks, diagnosis and repair of faults, and the selection and installation of equipment.
313214 电信技术人员或技师技术等级 Skill level
电信技术人员或技师的技能等级为2(ANZSCO Skill Level 2)。
313214 电信技术人员或技师所属职业列表
313211 无线电通信技术员 Radio Communications Technician313212 电信领域工程师 Telecommunications Field Engineer
313213 电信网络规划师 Telecommunications Network Planner