ANZSCO 313213 电信网络规划师 Telecommunications Network Planner
313212 电信领域工程师 Telecommunications Field Engineer
313214 电信技术人员或技师 Telecommunications Technical Officer or Technologist
ANZSCO 313213 电信网络规划师 Telecommunications Network Planner
313213 电信网络规划师职业描述 Job description
电信网络规划师负责规划客户通讯网络接收基础设施的开发。Plans the development of customer access telecommunications network infrastructure.
313213 电信网络规划师技术等级 Skill level
电信网络规划师的技能等级为2(ANZSCO Skill Level 2)
313213 电信网络规划师所属职业列表
313211 无线电通信技术员 Radio Communications Technician313212 电信领域工程师 Telecommunications Field Engineer
313214 电信技术人员或技师 Telecommunications Technical Officer or Technologist