ANZSCO 441312 警官 Police Officer
Maintains public order, and enforces laws by investigating crimes, patrolling public areas and arresting suspected offenders.
441312 骑警 Mounted Police Officer
441312 搜索和救援人员 Search and Rescue Officer
441312 战术响应官员 Tactical Response Group Officer
ANZSCO 441312 警官 Police Officer
441312 警官技术等级 Skill level
维护公共秩序,调查犯罪、巡逻公共区域和逮捕疑似罪。Maintains public order, and enforces laws by investigating crimes, patrolling public areas and arresting suspected offenders.
441312 警官技术等级 Skill level
441312 炸弹专家 Bomb Squad Officer441312 骑警 Mounted Police Officer
441312 搜索和救援人员 Search and Rescue Officer
441312 战术响应官员 Tactical Response Group Officer
441312 警官技术等级 Skill level
警官的技能等级为2(ANZSCO Skill Level 2)。