ANZSCO 312115 管道检查员 Plumbing Inspector
Inspects plumbing work to ensure compliance with relevant standards and regulations. Registration or licensing is required. Previously referred to in ASCO as: 312119 Plumbing Inspector.
312115 燃气管道检测员 Gas Plumbing Inspector
312115 卫生管道和供水系统检测员 Sanitary Plumbing and Water Supply Inspector
312112 建筑助理 Building Associate
312113 建筑检查员 Building Inspector
312114 建筑估算员 Construction Estimator
312116 测量或空间科学技术员 Surveying or Spatial Science Technician
312199 建筑,建造及测量技术员NEC Architectural, Building and Surveying Technicians nec
ANZSCO 312115 管道检查员 Plumbing Inspector
312115 管道检查员职业描述 Job description
监督卫生管道安装工作,使其符合相关法令法规要求。需要注册或许可。Inspects plumbing work to ensure compliance with relevant standards and regulations. Registration or licensing is required. Previously referred to in ASCO as: 312119 Plumbing Inspector.
312115 管道检查员职位别名
312115 排水系统检测员 Drainage Inspector312115 燃气管道检测员 Gas Plumbing Inspector
312115 卫生管道和供水系统检测员 Sanitary Plumbing and Water Supply Inspector
312115 管道检查员技术等级 Skill level
管道检查员的技能等级为2(ANZSCO Skill Level 2)。312115 管道检查员所属职业列表
312111 建筑绘图员 Architectural Draftsperson312112 建筑助理 Building Associate
312113 建筑检查员 Building Inspector
312114 建筑估算员 Construction Estimator
312116 测量或空间科学技术员 Surveying or Spatial Science Technician
312199 建筑,建造及测量技术员NEC Architectural, Building and Surveying Technicians nec