ANZSCO 411412 育儿护士 Mothercraft Nurse
Provides care to newborn infants, and provides advice and training on infant care to parents of newborn infants. Registration or licensing is required.
ANZSCO 411412 育儿护士 Mothercraft Nurse
411412 育儿护士职业描述 Job description
为新生儿提供医疗保健服务,并向新生儿的父母提供婴儿护理建议和训练。 需要注册或许可。Provides care to newborn infants, and provides advice and training on infant care to parents of newborn infants. Registration or licensing is required.
411412 育儿护士技术等级 Skill level
育儿护士的技能等级为2(ANZSCO Skill Level 2)。
411412 育儿护士所属职业列表
411411 在编护士 Enrolled Nurse