ANZSCO 312512 机械工程技术员 Mechanical Engineering Technician
Conducts tests of mechanical systems, collects and analyses data, and assembles and installs mechanical assemblies in support of Mechanical Engineers and Engineering Technologists. Previously referred to in ASCO as: 3125-13 Mechanical Engineering Technician.
312512 液压控制处理技术人员 Hydraulic Controls Technician
312512 机械试验是技术人员 Mechanical Laboratory Technician
312512 管道测试技术人员 Pipe Testing Technician
ANZSCO 312512 机械工程技术员 Mechanical Engineering Technician
312512 机械工程技术员职业描述 Job description
机械工程技术员对机械系统,数据的收集和分析,机械设备的组装和安装进行测试,进而支持机械工程师和技术人员的工作。Conducts tests of mechanical systems, collects and analyses data, and assembles and installs mechanical assemblies in support of Mechanical Engineers and Engineering Technologists. Previously referred to in ASCO as: 3125-13 Mechanical Engineering Technician.
312512 机械工程技术员职位别名
312512 锅炉测试技术人员 Boiler Testing Technician312512 液压控制处理技术人员 Hydraulic Controls Technician
312512 机械试验是技术人员 Mechanical Laboratory Technician
312512 管道测试技术人员 Pipe Testing Technician