ANZSCO 311311 渔业主任
Inspects fishing vessels, gear, licences and catches to ensure that fisheries laws and regulations are obeyed. Previously referred to in ASCO as: 3991-11 Primary Products Inspector.
311313 检疫官员 Quarantine Officer
311399 其他初级产品检查员 Primary Products Inspectors nec
ANZSCO 311311 渔业主任
311311 渔业主任职业描述 Job description
渔业主任检查渔船、打捞装置、许可证、捕鱼量,以保证遵守相关法律条例。Inspects fishing vessels, gear, licences and catches to ensure that fisheries laws and regulations are obeyed. Previously referred to in ASCO as: 3991-11 Primary Products Inspector.
311311 渔业主任职位别名
311311 渔业检查员 Fisheries Inspector
311311 渔业主任技术等级 Skill level
渔业主任的技能等级为2(ANZSCO Skill Level 2)。
311311 渔业主任所属职业列表
311312 肉类检查员 Meat Inspector311313 检疫官员 Quarantine Officer
311399 其他初级产品检查员 Primary Products Inspectors nec