ANZSCO 411411 在编护士 Enrolled Nurse
Provides nursing care to patients in a variety of health, aged care, welfare and community settings under the supervision of Registered Nurses. Registration or licensing is required.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 411411 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical).
ANZSCO 411411 在编护士 Enrolled Nurse
411411 在编护士职业描述 Job description
注册护士的监督下,为病人提供多种健康护理、老年护理、福利和社区设置。需要注册或许可。Provides nursing care to patients in a variety of health, aged care, welfare and community settings under the supervision of Registered Nurses. Registration or licensing is required.
Previously referred to in ASCO as: 411411 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical).
411411 在编护士职位别名
411411 护理助理 Nursing Assistant411411 医疗助理 Medical Assistant
411411 在编护士技术等级 Skill level
在编护士的技能等级为2(ANZSCO Skill Level 2)。411411 在编护士所属职业列表