ANZSCO 311212 心脏技术员 Cardiac Technician
Conducts tests on patients to record heart activity using specialised equipment, recording devices and laboratory instruments in support of Cardiologists and other Medical Practitioners engaged in diagnosing, monitoring and treating heart disease.
311212 心电图分析技术员 Electrocardiographic Technician
311213 医学实验室技术员 Medical Laboratory Technician
311214 手术室技术员 Operating Theatre Technician
311215 药房技术员 Pharmacy Technician
311216 抽血员 Phlebotomist
311299 其他医疗技师 Medical Technicians nec
ANZSCO 311212 心脏技术员 Cardiac Technician
311212 心脏技术员职业描述 Job description
心脏技术员对病人进行测试,使用专门的设备、记录设备和实验室仪器记录其心脏活动,支持从事诊断、监测和治疗心脏病的心脏病专家及其他医护人员。Conducts tests on patients to record heart activity using specialised equipment, recording devices and laboratory instruments in support of Cardiologists and other Medical Practitioners engaged in diagnosing, monitoring and treating heart disease.
311212 心脏技术员职位别名
311212 心脏病技术员 Cardiac Technologist311212 心电图分析技术员 Electrocardiographic Technician
311212 心脏技术员技术等级 Skill level
心脏技术员的技能等级为2(ANZSCO Skill Level 2)。311212 心脏技术员所属职业列表
311211 麻醉技术员 Anaesthetic Technician311213 医学实验室技术员 Medical Laboratory Technician
311214 手术室技术员 Operating Theatre Technician
311215 药房技术员 Pharmacy Technician
311216 抽血员 Phlebotomist
311299 其他医疗技师 Medical Technicians nec